EU-ASEAN Perspectives

EU-ASEAN Perspectives
Impact Group

EU-ASEAN Perspectives

The Impact Group EU-ASEAN Perspectives brings together young people from the EU and ASEAN to discuss current issues of EU-ASEAN relations and develop proposals for the future of interregional relations.

See an example of our work

EU-ASEAN Perspectives Dialogue III

EU-ASEAN Perspectives Dialogue III

In 2016, CISS hosted the third edition of the successful project, which brought together students and young professionals from Europe and Southeast Asia in online and offline formats to discuss progress and challenges of gender equality from an interregional EU-ASEAN perspective.

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EU-ASEAN Perspectives II

EU-ASEAN Perspectives II

The 2nd Interregional EU-ASEAN Perspectives Dialogue, running under the heading “Building global partnerships – Which role for the EU and ASEAN?”, was held between March and June 2015 on the regions’ shared objectives in the areas of development, finance, trade and climate change.

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EU-ASEAN Perspectives I

EU-ASEAN Perspectives I

Starting in October 2013, 1st EU-ASEAN Perspectives Dialogue brought together young scholars and professionals with an interest in discussing empirical as well as normative questions of EU-ASEAN relations. Their policy paper “Unlocking the Potential of Interregionalism” was presented to policy-makers at a panel discussion in February 2014.

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What is the issue we address?

The Impact Group EU-ASEAN Perspectives brings together young people from the EU and ASEAN to discuss current issues of EU-ASEAN relations and develop proposals for the future of interregional relations. While Europe and Southeast Asia are both regions with global relevance, there is a lack of mutual understanding between the two for the motivation behind their regional projects, and also a lack of vision for the future of their relationship. As a consequence, the full potential of the cooperation between the EU and ASEAN is not used to the full. We believe that to address these pressing issues, young scholars from both regions should engage in a constructive dialogue about the mutual perspectives. Based on this, we debate possibilities to advance interregional relations.

How do we work?

Since 2013, the Impact Group has been hosting the EU-ASEAN-Perspectives-Dialoge (EUAP). With this format, we created a network of students and young professionals interested in debating empirical and normative questions of EU-ASEAN relations which aims to close the gap between academic and policy discourse. To this end, they exchange on topical interregional issues in online formats. The results are consolidated in policy papers, which are then discussed with political, academic and civil society experts in a live event. Our recommendations have also been published in articles in the Diplomatischen Magazin, on Euractiv and in other media outlets. In 2016, EUAP III took place place under the theme: “Gender Equality – Progress and Challenges from an Interregional EU-ASEAN Perspective”. More information on past events and links to the policy papers for EUAP I (2013/2014) and EUAP II (2015) can be found here.

Impact Group members

Head of the Impact Group

Sari-Luisa Jung (

Former members

Nelly Stratieva, Olivia Geymond, Katja Plambeck, Florian Winkler, Steffen Murau, Lukas Rudolph, Kilian Spandler

Current status:

We are currently working on the 4th edition of the EU-ASEAN Perspectives Dialogue. Stay tuned for more information!

EU-ASEAN Perspectives Dialogue III

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EU-ASEAN Perspectives Dialogue II

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EU-ASEAN Perspectives Dialogue I

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Who supports us?

A number of eminent persons acted as patrons for past and present EUAP editions:

  • Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel, Jean Monnet Chair, Director of the Center for European Integration and of the KFG “The Transformative Power of Europe”, Freie Universität Berlin, member of the CISS Advisory Board (EUAPII)
  • Dr. Thomas Gambke MdB, Member of German Parliament, Chairman of the Parliamentary Friendship Group for Relations with the ASEAN States and member of the CISS Advisory Board (EUAPI)
  • Ranieri Sabatucci, Head of Division for Southeast Asia in the European External Action Service (EUAPII)
  • Helga Schmid, Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EUAPIII)
  • H.E. Vongthep Arthakaivalvatee, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (EUAPIII)
  • Among the partner organizations for past EUAP events are the German Federal Foreign Office, the KFG “The Transformative Power of Europe”, Freie Universität Berlin, the BMW Foundation, the European Institute of Asian Studies (Brussels), the EU Center in Singapore, Hanns Seidel Foundation and KANITA.

How can I contribute?

Students and young researchers who are willing to actively contribute to developing our idea are welcome to join the Impact Group. If you have questions or ideas for future projects, feel free to contact us!