Regional Insights

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Noble Credits: False Hope and True Despairs – On the Political Economy of Microcredit

The disbursing of small credit amounts is hailed as prime pathway out of poverty. But is it really? The case for their high interest rates is poor, the claim of high repayment rates doubtful. I found many former customers entrapped in a vicious cycle of loans. Lastly, micro-credit loans played their part in changing the consumption pattern of rural people, and, in passing, reshaped their life style by integrating them with the international capitalist system.

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India, China and the Influence-Seeking Game in Nepal

Nepal has increasingly become a place of great power competition between its neighbors India and China. Both the decision not to allow the Tibetan refugee population to vote for its government-in-exile in March of this year and the recent visit of the Chinese army chief who promised a military aid package worth $19 million indicate strong Chinese presence. As India moves to counter Chinese actions, political progress in Nepal will be undermined.

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You have ideas on how to solve international conflicts? You have made a thrilling observation abroad? You want to bring a new perspective into the current political debate or share an aspect of your thesis? Then write an article for our Think Tank! More than 350 people have so far shared their ideas here, from first year students to the president of the European Commission. Interested? Take a look at our formal requirements and get in touch with the regional manager who is responsible for the field that corresponds to your topic.

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CISS’s Think Tank cooperates with a number of online and print media to reach a broader audience. For example, we have a monthly column in the Diplomatic Magazine. Outstanding articles may find their way into other newspapers, journals and blogs.

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