European Youth Event

CISS Delegation to the EYE

In 2018, CISS sent for the first time a delegation of students and young professionals to the European Youth Event.

The objectives of CISS’s delegation to the EYE are:

1. Bring together young, enthusiastic and motivated Europeans

2. Participate in the workshops, discussions and presentations of the EYE

3. Discuss together with European political decision-makers the future of Europe

4. Raise our voices on the future of Europe and to make them heard

EYE 2018

For the EYE 2018, CISS brought together a delegation of young Europeans from a broad range of study programmes and professional careers.

The motto of the EYE 2018 was “The plan is to fan this spark into a flame!” and the discussion evolved around the following topics: “Young and old (Keeping up with the digital revolution); Rich and poor (Calling for a fair share); Apart and together (Working out for a stronger Europe); Safe and dangerous (Staying alive in turbulent times); Local and global (Protecting our planet)”.

The event involved workshops, discussions and presentations and a wide range of activities with political decision-makers and inspiring personalities of the European stage alongside concerts and artistic performances.

The best ideas for the future of Europe that were developed in the course of the event can be found in the EYE 2018 Report: “Speak up Europe! 100 ideas for a better future”.

Impact Group Members


Anna Schwertz-Weirich,
Olivia Geymnond ,
Marius Stemmer,