CISS’s Project Toolbox

How can CISS help me realize my ideas?

If you want to become active, CISS offers you hands-on expertise. Just choose from our toolbox of innovative event formats. For each of the items, we can provide you with concrete support: What you get are checklists, templates for communication and publications as well as contacts to potential partner organizations. We also assist you with spreading calls (via our newsletter and social media network), finding locations and approaching potential sponsors like foundations and government agencies.

This list shows the contents of our project toolbox. We also give you some examples of how people have combined these elements to create project chains with real, long-lasting impact and sustainable engagement. Of course, we’re always open to your own ideas!

Skills Workshop

“How do I write a policy paper decision-makers actually read?” “How do I get financial support for my project idea?” Operative soft skills are central requirements for successful projects in international relations: fundraising, writing reports, coordinating events, negotiating and evaluating impact are just some of the many tasks you’ll be confronted with. CISS’s skills workshops with renowned experts provide young people with instructive knowledge and methods in all of these areas.

Fireside Chats and Visits to Organizations

What do international actors do? What are their perspectives on specific problems in international relations? Our fireside chats and visits to organizations provide occasions for discussions and background briefings on topical issues. Their informal setting makes for a frank and upfront exchange and bridges the gap between academia and practice.

Career Talks

Career paths in international relations are extremely diverse. In our career talks, experienced practitioners talk about their professional biographies in an informal setting. Students get first-hand insights into a variety of career options. Eventually, the contacts established at the talks may even develop into long-lasting mentorships.

Panel Events

In this format, experts from academia, politics, civil society, media and/or the private sector discuss current topics with young people. Panel events can, for example, be ways of launching or concluding CISS projects. In any case, they rely on the active participation by students and young professionals. The conventional discussion format can be supplemented by live votings, twitter chats and other innovative elements.

Essay Competition

CISS invites students to write an essay on a specific topic. All competitive submissions are published on and the best papers are awarded prizes, for example books, publication with one of CISS’s media partners (Diplomatisches Magazin, The European) or an invitation to act as a panellist in an CISS events.

Online Workshops

How can cooperative projects become accessible to young people from different geographic and socio-economic backgrounds? Our online workshops provide opportunities for international exchange with low entry costs. Participants discuss concrete questions in breakout groups, conduct analysis and present and discuss their findings in a joint online conference. The workshops result in practice-oriented output such as policy papers. The online meetings are based on video conference technology and the participants work in a joint cloud.

International Research Tandems

How to foster international exchange in a sustainable manner? One possibility are research tandems: Bi-national or bi-regional teams of authors work together and contribute to a larger topic. The articles are bundled in a dossier on CISS’s Think Tank. Optionally, they can additionally be published in a policy paper or, via cooperations with newspapers or magazines, as journalistic articles. These contributions will then, as voice of the youth, advanced to policy makers, strengthening the influence of young experts on actual politics.

Your Idea!

Voice your idea for new formats and ways to bring young people into International Politics. For example you may organize a ‘simulation game’ – participants model an international bargaining process, trying to get at the question which circumstances and constellations likely produce a certain political outcome. CISS projects can likewise include the organization of scientific symposia or intercultural exchange programs. Bring together young people, cultures, ideas and combine disciplines to ‘join the world of our making’.