Anna Schwertz-Weirich – CISS Young Initiative on Foreign Affairs and International Relations (CISS) Sun, 07 Apr 2019 19:39:59 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/cropped-android-chrome-512x512-2-32x32.png Anna Schwertz-Weirich – CISS 32 32 This time I’m voting and you? 2019/04/07/this-time-im-voting-and-you/ Sun, 07 Apr 2019 17:33:42 +0000 ?p=13742 The European Parliament elections, which have been held every five years since 1979, give citizens in all member states the opportunity to elect their members of parliament.

As part of the European Parliament’s election campaign “This time I’m voting” for the European Parliament elections 2019, which will be held in the Member States of the European Union on 23-26 May, CISS is going to inform about the European Union, the European Parliament and the European Parliament elections, raise voices on European matters and awareness for the elections.

For example, information on key events taking place in the European Parliament before the elections can be found here. Facts and figures on the European Parliament from 1979 to 2019 can be found here and information on a possible seat calculation for the next European Parliament, based on voting intention polls from  the Member States of the European Union, can be found here.

Because this time it is not enough to hope for a better future; this time each and every one of us must take responsibility for it tooThis time I’m voting. Why? – Because it is about my and our future as well as about the future of the European Union.

Information on the election campaign “This time I’m voting” and how to join the campaign can be found here.

Collaboration with SomosIberoamérica 2018/12/15/somosiberoamerica/ Sat, 15 Dec 2018 20:32:43 +0000 LACalytics 2018 is delighted to announce a collaboration with SomosIberoamé

SomosIberoamérica is a web portal that offer relevant information about Ibero-American Cooperation topics through analysis, research and debates contributing to give visibility to the knowledge that is being produced in the region. On its web portal, SomosIberoamérica is going to publish selected articles of the LACalytics Programme.

It is the first time that SomosIberoamérica and LACalytics are working together.

Media Partnership with Energía Limpia XXI 2018/12/15/energia-limpia-xxi/ Sat, 15 Dec 2018 20:25:03 +0000 LACalytics 2018, the second edition of the LACalytics programme, proudly announces a media partnership with Energía Limpia XXI.

Energía Limpia XXI is a group of journalists and “dreamers” who believe in a fair and sustainable planet for all. Since its foundation in 2014, the main aim of Energía Limpia XXI has been to share information and create awareness on key issues such as renewable energy, sustainable development, climate change mitigation, electric cars and other creative ways of transport.

Within this collaboration, Energía Limpia XXI is going to publish the articles on environmental issues, which have been written under the LACalytics 2018 Programme.

LACalytics and Energía Limpia XXI have already been working together for the first edition of LACalytics in 2016.

LACalytics 2018: Final Publication 2018/11/23/lacalytics-2018-final-publication/ Fri, 23 Nov 2018 18:44:32 +0000 We are more than delighted to share with you the final publication of LACalytics.

Students and young professionals co-wrote in bi-regional teams, with one thinker coming from Europe and the other one coming from Latin America and the Caribbean, articles on Politics, Economics, Environment, Civil Society & Culture as well as Science, Technology and Innovation.

Under the title “Strengthening EU-LAC Cooperation: Sharing Experiences for Present and Future Developments”, the best articles written for the programme, have been published in English and Spanish.

You can find the final publication of LACalytics 2018 in English and Spanish here.

LACalytics 2018 finished participant selection and starts into its second programme phase 2018/04/22/lacalytics-2018-finished-participant-selection-and-starts-into-its-second-programme-phase/ Sun, 22 Apr 2018 17:38:45 +0000 LACalytics – one of CISS´s Impact Groups – aims at fostering the relationship between Europe and the Latin America and Caribbean region (LAC) as well as increasing the young generation’s impact on policy making. After a first successful round of programme implementation in 2016, LACalytics 2018 has received large response to its call for applications: more than 260 people from over 40 countries wanted to participate this year.

After thorough review, the most qualified and inspiring 46 students and young professionals have recently been selected for participation and have been matched with a co-author from the respective other region. In total, these 23 teams are representing 19 countries – 8 countries from Europe and 11 from the LAC-region.

Currently, these teams of young thinkers are writing articles in four chapters: Economics, Politics, Environment, Culture& Civil Society or Science Technology & Innovation. Amongst others, CISS is expecting articles on peace and conflict, economic integration and free trade agreements, refugee crisis and migration, climate change and sustainability, human rights and gender equality. The best articles are going to be printed in a tri-lingual policy publication and presented at a final conference which is going to take place in October 2018, in Hamburg.

