Call for Articles: 10 years post Arab Spring – has a new era started?
10 years ago, the so-called Arab Spring swept across North Africa and the Middle East and challenged the authoritarian systems. During this time, the people on the streets protested against the political structures as well as economic and social inequalities. We also saw a high number of young people joining the protests to raise awareness for their needs. 10 years have gone by since then, therefore we want to know: What has changed since then? How do young people evaluate these protests in hindsight? What are the challenges that people are (still) facing? Are more protests likely to occur, as we have seen for example in Algeria and Tunisia in the past months and year?
As a young think tank, we want to open a dialogue between young people from diverse backgrounds. Your submission should deal with the above-mentioned topics. Analyses (ca. 1,500 words) and opinion pieces (ca. 500 words) on current affairs should engage critically with past and current movements. After a peer-reviewing process with CISS’s regional division (can take up to 6-8 weeks), a series of successful articles will be published on CISS’s website.
Please see the guidelines attached for further information. Article submissions are accepted on a rolling basis until October 1, 2021. Send your submission (English or German) in Microsoft Word Format to CISS’s Regional Co-Director for the MENA region Lena Gomer, at lena.gomer@ciss.eu.