Annual Report 2018: Many New Faces and Fresh Ideas

Annual Report 2018: Many New Faces and Fresh Ideas

In 2018, we witnessed attempts of reconciliation, as between North and South Korea. At the same time, other countries such as the UK distanced themselves, and populist ideas gained wider acceptance. Against this backdrop, it becomes even more important that young people from different regions of the world have a chance to exchange their ideas and make their voices heard. This represents one of the main goals of CISS. In order to get closer to this goal we organized numerous events and kicked off new projects last year.

To start off the new year, we want to reflect on our achievements from 2018 and highlight our plans for 2019. All of our activities and success stories would not be possible without the support of different institutions and individuals. Therefore, we want to seize this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us on our journey so far!

  • We saw our membership breaking the 200 mark for the first time.
  • We completed the second edition of our impact group “Memory as a tool of change” with a final event in Berlin, organized in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
  • We also finished the second edition of LACalytics with the support of the EU-LAC foundation. We organized a closing event in Hamburg, Germany, and launched a new LACalytics publication.
  • David Wallace, the political counsellor at the British Embassy in Berlin, joined us for a foreign policy talk with students and young professionals.
  • For the first time, we sent a delegation of students and young professional to the European Youth Event (EYE).
  • In cooperation with the association of the Humboldt University, we organized a panel discussion on international human trafficking and legal reforms in Germany.
  • New regional directors have joined our core team: Elias Reiche for Global Affairs, Maximilian Fricke and Hendrik Frank as (co-) directors for North America, Johanna Hartz-Goiteom for South & East Asia, Lena Gomer, Max Kratz as (co-) directors for MENA and Katharina Lange for sub-Saharan Africa.

More information about our highlights, projects and new members can be found in our Annual Report 2018: Many New Faces and Fresh Ideas.