German foreign-policy making – CISS meets parliament

German foreign-policy making – CISS meets parliament

To conclude the work of the Impact Group “EU-ASEAN Perspectives”, CISS had arranged a background discussion with Dr Thomas Gambke, Member of Parliament for the Green Party and chairman of the ASEAN Parliamentary Friendship Group. At 10 February 2014, a delegation of CISS members, participants of the CISS Impact Group “EU-ASEAN Perspectives” as well as student discussants from universities in Berlin met Dr Thomas Gambke and two research assistants from the Green Faction, Christine Polsfuß and Martin Wilk. The discussions were centred on three main topics: The Bundestag’s competences in foreign policy-making, the work of the ASEAN Parliamentary Friendship Group as well as general aspects of the relations between Germany, the EU and ASEAN.